Born 1959
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The sources of inspiration are countless – from ancient Rome to science-fiction movies – but all the materials are taken on a spin through the Poulsenesque wringer and transformed into something completely different. Among so many other currents, Bjørn Poulsen conjoins and carries further two distinct tendencies in modern art, represented respectively by Donald Judd and Francis Bacon. On the one hand, we have Judd’s minimalist primary forms, in combination with a sleek industrial finish, in works that render the space around themselves thematic. On the other side, we have Bacon’s preoccupation with distorted and tormented human flesh. In Poulsen’s domain, these two artistic worlds are no longer antitheses. Nor do they stand in opposition to pop art’s strategy of incorporating commonplace mass-produced objects and signs. (Text by Torben Sangild, 2008.)